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Bible Studies

Welcome to Bible Study Help and Lessons.
     Bible Study is a fundamental aspect of Christianity.  Newly baptized Christians or those who have been on the Christian walk for decades all must sip on the "pure milk of the Word" as the Apostle Peter advises.  Without our daily and weekly searching of the scriptures, we are falling short of doing what Jesus asks all of us to do:  "
And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you."  What are Bible truths?  Who is God?  Who is Jesus?  What happens to me or loved ones when we die?  What is Christianity, and what does it mean to be a Christian?  These are just a few of the questions you may have.  The resources below are great places to begin your search for answers or understanding of God's word.

     If you have a question and would like to contact one of the elders in our church, or our Pastor, you may use the common questions submission form below, call the church directly, or come in during any event we have during the month and just ask- there is no such thing as a stupid question.  We are all children of God, searching for truth, and willing to share what we found...God Bless You!



Other resources:

A great event for further advanced study and retreat are the Adventist Camp Meetings.  If you don't know what a Camp Meeting is, and/or would like to attend the one nearest to you, please visit the North American Division for latest Camp Meeting dates here.

The nearest Camp Meeting location from Chesapeake SDA Church for the Potomac Conference is the Shenandoah Valley Academy, New Market, VA.



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